The non-profit Institute for Complexity Management announces the release of a report detailing a 10-year case study of corruption of the U.S. justice system. The report chronicles the journey of a small company through the New Jersey and Federal court system.
The report is important because it represents the most comprehensive report of its kind ever written, “The evidence is clear, compelling, and overwhelming. It demonstrates a system of corrupt judges, lawyers and law enforcement officials and the most egregious violations of the separation powers doctrine that has ever occurred in the history of the American Republic,” said Dr. John Hnatio, the Executive Director of the Institute.
Whether this is your first visit to our site, or you are a valued follower of our work over the years, we wish you a very warm welcome to the Institute for Complexity Management (ICM).
At ICM we think of ourselves as the world’s underwriter for truth. Everything we do at ICM is dedicated to finding the facts and objectively presenting them to our customers. The idea is to arm the digital doers of our society with the true facts they need to make our world a better place.
There are two types of discourse. The first type is negative and directed at tearing things down. It is easily identified by the absence of discourse based on the true facts. The disinformation that results only feeds disruption and violence.
Then there’s another completely different kind of discourse that is based on the right of individuals and groups to freely speak true facts in a civil and responsible way to achieve fair and objective solutions to tough problems. When people with different ideas work together to solve complex problems, the result is a better world.
The non-profit Institute for Complexity Management announces the release of a report detailing a 10-year case study of corruption of the U.S. justice system. The report chronicles the journey of a small company through the New Jersey and Federal court system.
The report is important because it represents the most comprehensive report of its kind ever written, “The evidence is clear, compelling, and overwhelming. It demonstrates a system of corrupt judges, lawyers and law enforcement officials and the most egregious violations of the separation powers doctrine that has ever occurred in the history of the American Republic,” said Dr. John Hnatio, the Executive Director of the Institute.
Whether this is your first visit to our site, or you are a valued follower of our work over the years, we wish you a very warm welcome to the Institute for Complexity Management (ICM).
At ICM we think of ourselves as the world’s underwriter for truth. Everything we do at ICM is dedicated to finding the facts and objectively presenting them to our customers. The idea is to arm the digital doers of our society with the true facts they need to make our world a better place.
There are two types of discourse. The first type is negative and directed at tearing things down. It is easily identified by the absence of discourse based on the true facts. The disinformation that results only feeds disruption and violence.
Then there’s another completely different kind of discourse that is based on the right of individuals and groups to freely speak true facts in a civil and responsible way to achieve fair and objective solutions to tough problems. When people with different ideas work together to solve complex problems, the result is a better world.
Our mission at the Institute for Complexity Management (ICM) is to conduct objective research and report the results of our work to the American people. All of our research strives to achieve the highest ideals of fair and objective reporting of the major social issues of the day using well-researched facts and avoiding misinformation. Our goal is to create the opportunity for free speech in a civil environment that respects the differing views of Americans and brings them together to create a better world.
Hello. My name is Dr. John Hnatio, the Executive Director of the Institute for Complexity Management or ICM for short. ICM was originally founded in 2003 as part of a doctoral research program at the George Washington Graduate School for Education Human Development (GSEHD) that focused on the scientific study of naturally occurring complex adaptive systems and how they relate to human social interactions and outcomes.
At ICM we use scientific developments like projective analytics in our research to understand the past, analyze current developments and identify the extended order effects of policies and processes from which society can derive benefit or increase the risk of failure.
At the Institute for Complexity Management, or ICM for short, one of our most important activities involves the development of a new advanced risk abatement software tool that looks across all aspects of school safety by our National School Safety Collaboratory or NSSC for short. Built on standards developed and tested by experts, the software is designed to make the job of traditional school safety less time consuming and much more effective.
NSSC is building the software based on a prototype developed by a team of experts including police, former FBI and Secret Service agents, medical professionals including psychologists, firefighters, and others in cooperation with ICM and the Army National Guard with grant funds provided by the Maryland Technology Development Corporation or TEDCO for short.
Watch the video below to learn more about the NSSC software, School and CampusTQ!
The purpose of this Amicus Curiae Brief is to make the Federal District Court of New Jersey aware of an interstate RICO mortgage fraud enterprise with members consisting of judges and lawyers operating in New Jersey and other states across the nation. In the instant case, the mortgage fraud RICO enterprise includes JPMorgan Chase Bank, judges of the New Jersey Chancery and Superior Courts, judges of the Federal Bankruptcy Court District of New Jersey, the Federal District Court of New Jersey and legal counsel representing JPMorgan Chase Bank in multiple foreclosure proceedings before the New Jersey Courts and in other states of the Union.
Below is the new and updated Amicus Curiae Brief for review. Feel free to open this fullscreen in a new tab for better reading.
Wes Schneider was the inventor who came up with the idea of the “on the move” water drinking systems that are used in recreation, by the police and firemen and militaries all over the world. The technology was misappropriated by the U.S. Army and Wes Schneider filed under the Uniform Commercial Code that the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense failed to pay him over $57 million in lost royalties for his invention. Wes passed away last year without receiving a cent of remuneration from the U.S. Government even though Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter admitted that the Department misappropriated his invention.
This short memoriam is to a great American hero that saved the lives of so many American soldiers on the battlefields of the Middle East. ICM continues to work with Wes Schneider’s family to get him the compensation that Wes and his family deserve.
This report chronicles the ten-year journey of a small company that was the victim of a government conspiracy to misappropriate an advanced “dual use” technology of great importance to the U.S. National Security. The small company had their patented technology misappropriated by members of the U.S. intelligence community as part of covert intelligence operations for use in highly classified intelligence and military applications. As the small company took the matter to the U.S. courts, a massive cover-up began to prevent the exposure of warrantless intelligence community collection operations targeting the small company. These operations were intended to misappropriate the new technology developments that the small business was making and associated trade secrets as the company attempted to commercialize the technology. This report sets forth the evidence of Judicial and Executive Branch collusion, in defiance of the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers doctrine, to misappropriate and then compromise the integrity of the Judicial Branch of government and the American judicial system as the U.S. Government took extraordinary measures to prevent exposure.
Below is an interactive windows to read the entire redacted version of the report. You can make the report fullscreen for the best reading and viewing experience. Feel free to share this report and don't forget to send us an email with your thoughts and opinions on our findings.
ICM is a 501c3 charitable organization that accepts tax-deductible contributions for their services to the community. These services include reports and investigations on the pressing social issues of the day. In addition, ICM is the parent organization of the National School Safety Collaboratory that is dedicated to promoting effective security at schools across our nation.
All of your donations go to research, objective non-partisan reporting and efforts to promote school safety. Please donate now. We need your financial support to continue to provide our services to the American people.
At ICM we use advanced technology to help us manage information overload to get at the true facts, pro or con, about an issue. We use 21st century technology to help us become better critical thinkers so that we can make up our own minds as to what’s true and what isn’t. In today’s world of “too much information”, some of it true, some of it false and much of it intentionally directed at deceiving us. Finding the true facts to serve as the basis for civil discussion and complex problem solving can become difficult to do.
For this reason, ICM has recently signed a license to use a new and revolutionary software tool that combines the power of super-computing with the science of linguistics. The software is called Authentification™. ICM uses Authentification™ to independently certify that all of our research is based on empirically proven facts, looks at all sides of an issue, and objectively and fairly reports the results to our customers free of self-interest or political bias. That is why you will see an Authentification™ certification on every research report we publish.
At the Institute for Complexity Management we use an advanced research software tool developed by Truth Quotient LLC. This research software tool is called Legit™. Truth Quotient LLC is a small startup software company out of Maryland. Click on the following image to visit the Truth Quotient website and learn more about Legit™.
Truth Quotient LLC's mission is to make the world a better palce by enhancing the different ways people communicate with each other through the analysis of language. TQLLC's software, Legit™, is an advanced research tool helping students, professors, journalists, and so many more people around the world everyday. Legit™ is used as a powerful research tool in The Institute for Complexity Management critial thinking and reporting. Direct link to the Truth Quotient LLC website:
We invite you to see for yourself the power of Legit™. When you create an account at, you will receive the ability to access a 14 day free trial to use and test Legit™. We are confident that once you try it you will enjoy being able to find the type of links you are looking for to determine the truth quickly and easily in a world of information overload. We are looking for your feedback on Authentification™ so give it a try and leave feedback through the software application or directly contact us at
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